
ThermaPrime has completed 15 new wells and 10 workover operations, adding more than 100 megawatts of geothermal steam production to PGPC.

By | Carlo Cariaga

Edit | Geothermal Core

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Chinese writing

ThermaPrime Drilling Company (ThermaPrime) has successfully completed a drilling program in the geothermal program of the Philippine Geothermal Production Corporation (PGPC). The program included the drilling of 12 production wells and 3 multi-stage injection wells over a four-year period, as well as 10 workover operations.

ThermaPrime is a drilling services contracting company specializing in geothermal wells and related services. As a member of the First Holdings Group and a wholly owned subsidiary of general contractor FirstBalfour, Inc., ThermaPrime is at the forefront of the Group's low carbon footprint and regeneration agenda.

Throughout the drilling program, ThermaPrime achieved some notable successes - drilling the deepest "Big Hole" geothermal well in the country at a depth of 11,849 feet (3,611 meters) and setting a geothermal drilling record for speed, completing it in less than a month.

Drilling activities have provided more than 100 MW of additional steam production from PGPC's geothermal sites in Laguna and Batangas, as well as in Albay.PGPC plans to move forward with its other geothermal concessions and increase its renewable energy production to approximately 600 MW, in line with the government's pursuit of green and sustainable energy development.

Earlier this year, SM Investments Corporation (SMIC), the conglomerate that owns PGPC, announced a spending plan to invest PhP3 billion (about $53.8 million) annually to build up the company's installed geothermal capacity to twice the current size of the Makban and Tiwi geothermal fields over the next five years.

Source: e-mail exchanges


English (language)

ThermaPrimeDrilling Corporation (ThermaPrime) has successfully completed a drilling program in the geothermal projects of the Philippine Geothermal Production Company, Inc (PGPC). The program included the drilling of 12 production wells and 3 multilateral injection wells, as well as the drilling of a new production plant in the Philippine Geothermal Production Company, Inc. The program included the drilling of 12 production wells and 3 multilateral injection wells, as well as 10 work-over jobs over a period of four years.

ThermaPrimeis a drilling services contracting company specializing in geothermal wells and related services. As a member of The First Holdings Group of Companies and a fully owned subsidiary of general contractor First Balfour, Inc. As a member of The First Holdings Group of Companies and a fully-owned subsidiary of general contractor First Balfour, Inc. As a member of The First Holdings Group of Companies and a fully owned subsidiary of general contractor First Balfour, Inc.

Throughoutthe drilling program, ThermaPrime was able to achieve a few notable feats - the drilling of the deepest "large hole " geothermal well in the country at 11,849 feet (3611 meters), and a speed record for geothermal drilling having been completed in under a month. month.

The drilling campaign produced more than 100 MW of additional steam production for the geothermal sites of PGPC in Laguna and Batangas, and in Tiwi, Albay. PGPC is looking to progress its other geothermal concessions and increase its renewable energy output to about 600 MW in line with the thrust of the government to pursue green and sustainable energy development. PGPC is looking to progress its other geothermal concessions and increase its renewable energy output to about 600 MW in line with the thrust of the government to pursue green and sustainable energy development.

Earlierthis year, SMInvestments Corp.(SMIC), the conglomerate that owns PGPC, announceda spending planfor Php 3 billion (approx. USD 53.8 million) annually over the next five years to build the company's geothermal installed capacity to double the current capacity of the existing Mak- ban and Tiwi geothermal capacity. GPC announceda spending planfor Php 3 billion (approx. USD 53 8 million annually over the next five years to build the company's geothermal installed capacity to double the current capacity of the existing Mak- ban and Tiwi geothermal fields.

Source:Email correspondence


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