
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz personally visited the site of the Geretsried geothermal project, an exemplary demonstration of Eavor-Loop technology.

By | Carlo Cariaga

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Chinese writing

In a tremendous display of political support, Chancellor Olaf Scholz personally led a tour of the EavorErdwärme Geretsried GmbH (Eavor Geretsried) geothermal project site in Gretzried, Germany. Joining the Chancellor on the tour were Federal Minister for Research Bettina Stark-Wassinger, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder, and Bavarian Minister of Economics Hubert Ewanger.

The Gretzried geothermal project will be the first commercial deployment of Eavor's Eavor-Loop™ technology. Prior to this, a prototype project called Eavor-Lite™ was established near the Rocky Haus Mountains in Alberta, Canada. A groundbreaking ceremony was held in October 2022 and drilling began in July 2023.

"If this attempt is successful, not only will it be a great project, but it will be an even greater step forward for our thermal energy transition. Because then you could independently use geothermal energy in many places where geothermal water was hitherto unavailable, but also in much larger quantities," said Federal Chancellor Olav Scholz during a visit to the project.

Ambitious 2030 plan "Our goal is to develop as much geothermal energy as possible by 2030," Scholz said at an event in Bavaria. The federal government had previously set a target of 100 more geothermal projects by 2030. There is also a goal to supply ten times as much geothermal energy into the heating network.

"This is an ambitious goal, but a reliable and affordable supply of renewable energy is not only good for our citizens, but also important for our economy," the Prime Minister added.

Sources: Reuters, Handelsblatt and Bundesregierung


English (language)

Ina tremendous show of political support, Chancellor Olaf Scholz personally led a visit to the site of the geothermal project of EavorErdwärme Geretsried GmbH (Eavor Geretsried) in Geretsried, Germany. Joining the Chancellor in this visit were Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark- Joining the Chancellor in this visit were Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark- Watzinger, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, and Bavarian Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger.

TheGeretsried geothermal project will be the first commercial deployment of Eavor's Eavor-Loop™ technology. Prior to this, a prototype project called Eavor-Lite™ had already been put up near Rocky House Mountain in Alberta, Canada. Prior to this, a prototype project called Eavor-Lite™ had already been put up near Rocky House Mountain in Alberta, Canada. The groundbreaking ceremonywas held in October 2022 and drilling started around July2023. The groundbreaking ceremonywas held in October 2022 and drilling started around July2023.

"Ifthis attempt succeeds, it would not only be a great piece of engineering, but an even greater progress for our heat transition. then you could use geothermal energy independently of the thermal water in many places where it has not been possible so far, andalso in larger quantities," said Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz during his visit to the project. Because then you could use geothermal energy independently of the thermal water in many places where it has not been possible so far, andalso in larger quantities," said Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz during his visit to the project.

Ambitious2030 plans "Ourgoal is to tap as much geothermal energy as possible by 2030," Scholz said during an event in Bavaria. The Federal Government had previously set atarget of 100 additional geothermal projects by 2030.In addition, there is a target to supply ten times as much geothermal energy into heating networks. In addition, there is a target to supply ten times as much geothermal energy into heating networks.

'This is ambitious, but a secure and affordable supply of renewable energy is an advantage not only four our citizens, but also very decisive for our economy,' added the Chancellor. This is ambitious but a secure and affordable supply of renewable energy is an advantage not only four our citizens, but also very decisive for our economy," added the Chancellor.

Source:ReutersHandelsblatt, and Bundesregierung


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