
The local utility in Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany, has applied for funding to drill exploration boreholes for geothermal heating.

By | Carlo Cariaga

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Chinese writing

The city of Erfurt in the German state of Thuringia plans to develop its geothermal heating potential, local utility StadtwerkeErfurt has announced. To this end, the company has applied to the German Ministry of Economics for funding to drill an exploration well to a depth of approximately 4,500 meters.

The well is planned to be drilled near a gas and steam turbine power plant near the northeastern part of the city of Erfurt. According to Karel Schweng, managing director of StadtwerkeErfurt, the goal of the drilling is to explore the suitability of the granite bedrock beneath the city of Erfurt for deep geothermal energy. The company estimates the cost of the drilling to be around 40 million euros.

Mayor Andreas Bausewein expressed his support for geothermal exploration in Erfurt, "If successful, we could utilize the almost inexhaustible energy under our feet to meet most of our heating needs." It is estimated that geothermal energy could heat over 40,000 apartments in Erfurt.

If the financing application is clarified, the company said it could take up to two years before results are available and the program can be implemented.

There has not yet been any substantial geothermal development in Thuringia. A heat flow data study conducted by GFZ Potsdam last year showed that Thuringia is one of the regions in Germany that lacks good heat flow data.

Source: SueddeutscheZeitung


English (language)

Thecity of Erfurt in Thuringia, Germany is planning to explore its geothermal heating potential, according to an announcement made by local utility StadtwerkeErfurt. To this end, the utility has applied for funding from the Federal Ministry of Economics for the drilling of an exploratory borehole to a depth of around 4500 meters. The utility has applied for funding from the Federal Ministry of Economics for the drilling of an exploratory borehole to a depth of around 4500 meters.

Theborehole is planned to be drilled northeast of Erfurt, near a gas and steam turbine power plant According to Karel Schweng, Managing Director at According to Karel Schweng, Managing Director at Stadtwerke Erfurt, the goal for the drilling would be to explore if the granite base underneath Erfurt is a suitable host for deep geothermal energy. The utility estimates that the drilling will cost around EUR 40 million.

MayorAndreas Bausewein expressed support for geothermal exploration in Erfurt, "If it succeeds, we can cover large parts of our heat supply with the almost inexhaustible energy under our feet. If it succeeds, we can cover large parts of our heat supply with the almost inexhaustible energy under our feet. It has been estimated that geothermal heat can supply more than 40,000 apartments in Erfurt.

Ifthe financing application is clarified, the utility says that it will probably take two years before the results become available and the plans can be The utility says that it will probably take two years before the results become available and the plans can be

Therehas not been any substantial geothermal developments in the state of Thuringia.A heat flow data study done by GFZ Potsdamlast year indicates that A heat flow data study done by GFZ Potsdamlast year indicates that Thuringia is one of the regions in Germany that lack good heat flow data.



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