2023 Geothermal Frontier Technology Innovation Conference-

and 1st New Energy Multi-energy Complementary Frontier Technology Seminar

All relevant units:

In September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping announced that China would implement more robust policies and measures, aiming to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and strive for carbon neutrality by 2060. On June 1, 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission and nine other departments issued a notice on the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" for the development of renewable energy, emphasizing the active promotion of large-scale geothermal energy development. Achieving the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality is a major strategic decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a solemn commitment to the international community, and a significant opportunity for professionals and researchers in the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors of the geothermal field.Guided by the Geothermal Professional Committee of the China Geophysical Society and the Geothermal Energy Professional Committee of the China Renewable Energy Society, the "2023 Geothermal Frontier Technology Innovation Conference and the First Multifaceted New Energy Complementarity Advanced Technology Workshop," hosted by Anhui WFCN Energy Investment Co., Ltd., will be held in Hefei, Anhui Province, from December 27 to 29, 2023. The conference theme is "Geothermal Technology Innovation to Support Carbon Neutrality."

Geothermal Month activities are held three months prior to the conference, including but not limited to "Pythontogether withDARTSGeothermal numerical simulation training" (October 2023),"Geothermal Calculator vs.OpenGeoSysTraining"(October 2023)"Deep Well Heat Transfer Testing and Data Analysis Training"(November 2023)."Training in methods of determining reservoir temperatures in geothermal fields"((November 2023),"Technical training in geothermal energy geophysical survey methods"(December 2023)."Technical training on the design of geothermal high-efficiency energy station systems"(December 2023), among other activities.

During the conference, we will also hold the First Multifaceted New Energy Complementarity Advanced Technology Workshop, focusing on topics such as innovation and application of new energy technologies, design and optimization of multi-energy complementary systems, the integration of renewable energy and traditional energy, smart grids for new energy, and energy storage technology. This aims to promote academic exchange and technological innovation in the field of new energy and enhance the application and development of multi-energy complementary technologies in energy transformation.

After the meeting, participants will be organized to visit the Anhui Energy Group to help Changfeng Energy Comprehensive Reform and Innovation Pilot Project.Anhui government attaches great importance to the province's first comprehensive energy reform and innovation pilot workThe provincial energy group has been selected to participate in the pilot project, and its Anhui Wanfeng Changneng Investment Co., Ltd. is responsible for its implementation. At present, it has successively completed and pushed forward the "source network, load and storage" integrated energy industrial internet, oil, gas, electricity and hydrogen integrated energy port, kitchen waste disposal, roof photovoltaic of the whole county, energy saving of public institutions, small wind turbine in the park, low carbon energy station, geothermal heating and cooling, light truck for electricity, intelligent street light, intelligent agriculture and many other low-carbon technological innovation projects. energy stations, geothermal heating and cooling, light trucks for electricity, smart streetlights, smart agriculture and many other low-carbon technological innovation projects. Among themGeothermal heating and cooling application scenariosIncluding Yuqiao Ecological Science and Technology Park, Changfeng County Hospital South, gas peaking power plant, aquaponics intelligent agriculture and other projects. Anhui Wanfeng Changneng Investment Co., Ltd. is currently carrying out the replication and promotion of the results of the comprehensive energy reform in Chizhou City, Huangshan District of Huangshan City, Xuancheng District of Xuancheng City, Shushan Economic Development Zone of Hefei City and other counties and cities.Welcome enterprises and institutions with cutting-edge technologies of new energy and multi-energy complementary to come to negotiate dockingThe company has been working together to help Changfeng County to scale new heights in the replication and promotion of the comprehensive energy reform and innovation pilot.

During the conference, participants will receive a free electronic compilation of "2023 Geothermal Energy Advanced Technology Insider" and "2023 Geothermal Energy Industry Development Report." We hope that every participant will return with valuable insights and knowledge. We sincerely invite domestic and international experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, and other professionals engaged in geothermal and new energy development and utilization to gather in Hefei and share in the geothermal feast.

I. Theme

Geothermal Science and Technology Innovation for "Carbon Neutrality"

II.Conference Time

1. Format of the meetingIn-Person

2. Meeting time.December 27-29

3. Venue of the Conference:Hefei, Anhui

III. Supervising Units

Geothermal Committee of the Chinese Geophysical Society

Geothermal Committee of China Renewable Energy Society


Anhui Wanfeng Changneng Investment Co.

V. Organizing Units

Geothermal Online

Other sponsors (to be determined)

VI. Co-organizing Units

Hefei Wanneng Intelligent Energy Technology Co.

Other sponsors (to be determined)

VII. Supporting organizations

Sponsors (to be determined)

VIII. Guests to be invited

Wang Jiyang

Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Researcher, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

He jishan

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Honorary President of the Institute of Urban Underground Space and Energy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

Yuan Liang

Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, President of Anhui University of Technology

Li Gensheng

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Dean of the Carbon Neutral Demonstration Energy School of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Wu Qiang

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)

Zhu Xuewen

Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Anhui Geological and Mineral Exploration Bureau, Deputy Director of the Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Zhang Xuesuo

Party Secretary and Chairman of Anhui Wanfeng Changneng Investment Co.

Lu Wei

General Manager of Anhui Wanfeng Changneng Investment Co.

Zhang Zhiwei

Deputy General Manager of Anhui Wanfeng Changneng Investment Limited Liability Company, Chairman and General Manager of Anhui Wanneng Jiangong Geothermal Co.

Wang Guanglin

Chairman of Anhui Southland Cold and Heat Integrated Energy Co.

Ouyang Xinnan

General Manager, China Energy Construction Geothermal Co.

Zhu Xiaohua

Professor, Vice President, Director of Geothermal Energy Center, Southwest Petroleum University

Pang Zhonghe

Geothermal Ambassador of the International Geothermal Association, Director of the Geothermal Resources Research Center of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Director of the Geothermal Professional Committee of the Chinese Geophysical Society

Tang Chun'an (1944-), Hong Kong actor

Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education of China, Professor of Dalian University of Technology, Chief Scientist of the 973 Project of the National Basic Research Program of China

Gong Yulie

Director and Researcher, Geothermal Energy Research Laboratory, Guangzhou Energy Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Liang Yuan

Secretary-General, China Renewable Energy Society

Li Yuanpu

Director, Geothermal Energy Specialized Committee, China Renewable Energy Society

Ma Jingchen

Director, Geothermal Center, Beijing Geological Engineering Survey Institute; Secretary General, Geothermal Energy Professional Committee, China Renewable Energy Society

Liang Haijun

Party Secretary of Sinopec Nova New Energy Research Institute

Wang Guiling

Director of the Center for Technological Innovation in Geothermal and Dry-Heat Rock Exploration and Development of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Carol Zhu (1970-), Taiwanese actress

Professor, Tianjin University

Lee Kevan (1944-), Hong Kong politician, prime minister 2007-2010

Professor, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Zheng Xiuhua (1893-1962), famous Chinese artist

Professor, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Sun Caixia

Technical Director, Sinopec Green Source Geothermal Energy Development Co.

Li Ningbo

Director, Shallow Geothermal Energy Research and Promotion Center, China Geological Survey, and Deputy Director, Key Laboratory of Shallow Geothermal Energy, Ministry of Natural Resources

Dou Bin

Professor, Executive Deputy Director, Key Laboratory of Deep Geothermal Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources, and Vice Dean, School of Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Yan Jiahong

Deputy Director of Geothermal Specialized Committee of China Energy Research Society, Geothermal Expert of PetroChina Exploration and Development Research Institute

Zhang Dawei

Director, Institute of Urban and Underground Space and Energy, and Director, Institute of Geothermal Energy Science and Technology (Dali), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

Xiong Qiangqing

Vice President and Chief Engineer, Anhui Provincial Institute of Survey and Technology

Liu Jiurong

Director of the International Geothermal Association, Vice Chairman of the Geothermal Specialized Committee of the China Energy Research Society

Hu Xiangyun

Professor, Executive Vice President, Science and Technology Development Institute, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Chiang Fai

Professor, School of Resources, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Zhang Ying

Researcher, Sinopec Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute

Zhao Sumin (1905-1970), communist politician

Chief Engineer, Tianjin Geothermal Exploration and Development Design Institute

Wang Fenghao

Professor and Director of Building Energy Efficiency Research Center, Xi'an Jiaotong University

He Wei

Professor of Hefei University of Technology, Chairman of Anhui Province Building Green Operation and Maintenance and Energy-saving Retrofit Professional Committee

Wang Hao

Deputy Director of Low Carbon Development Research Center of Anhui Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd, and Secretary General of Anhui Building Green Operation and Maintenance and Energy-saving Retrofit Professional Committee

Yang Weibo

Assistant Dean, Head of Thermal Engineering Department, Head of HVAC Discipline, School of Water Resources and Energy Power Engineering, Yangzhou University

Jing Tieya

Deputy Chief Engineer and Researcher, Department of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Clean Fuel Technology, Clean Energy Technology Research Institute, Huaneng Group, China

Song Rongcai

Professor and Deputy Director of Academic Affairs, Chengdu University of Technology, China

Ye Changqing

Vice President of Anhui Building Energy Efficiency and Technology Association

Li Shengtao

Researcher, Hydrogeological and Environmental Geological Survey Center, China Geological Survey Bureau

Lin Wenjing

Researcher, Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, China

Jiang Lijun

Vice President of the Chinese Renewable Energy Society and Director of the Hydrogen Energy Specialized Committee

Zhang Yunzhou

Director, Specialized Committee on Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Power Generation, China Renewable Energy Society (CRES)


Director, Biomass Energy Committee, China Renewable Energy Society

Du Xiaoze

Professor of North China Electric Power University, School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering, Executive Director of China Renewable Energy Society and Director of Energy Storage Specialized Committee

Wang Tongguang

Professor of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Director of Wind Energy Committee of China Renewable Energy Society

Zhao Ying

Dean of the School of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering, Nankai University, Director of the Photovoltaic Specialized Committee of the Chinese Renewable Energy Society

KONG Yanlong

Associate Researcher, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Deputy Director and Secretary-General, Geothermal Specialized Committee, Chinese Geophysical Society

Huang Yonghui

China University of Petroleum (Beijing)


Delft University of Technology


Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU)

Wong Yick Bun

Zhengzhou University

IX. Conference Registration

1. Conference registration fees:RMB 2800 per visit

2. Early bird program for meetings

Complete registration and payment by September 30th for the following benefits:

  • 参会者享受8折优惠(2200元/人)

  • Priority reservation for Geothermal Online training slots

  • Priority reservation for Multifaceted Energy Complementarity Workshop

  • Reserved seats for Energy Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Project tours

  • Early bird participants may enjoy discounted hotel room rates

  • Exclusive access to Geothermal GPT powered by OpenAI

  • Geothermal OnlineProprietary Geothermal Literature DatabaseMember Privileges(Limited places available)

3. Registration process

Participants should contact the conference team to obtain the "Geothermal Online Conference" applet, fill in the conference registration form, fill in the registration information and invoice information, and get the e-ticket after paying the fee.

X. Conference Exhibition Booths

The 2023 Geothermal Frontier Technology Innovation Conference and the First Multifaceted New Energy Complementarity Advanced Technology Workshop will feature an enterprise exhibition area. High-quality promotional and networking services will also be provided to sponsors and exhibitors. For more details, please contact the event organizing team.

XI. Contact Information

Contact: Wang Zhongpeng

Handset: 18871603202 (micro-signal: drnzx9527)

Contact: Meng Chao

Handset: 15120077697 (micro letter with number)

2023 Geothermal Frontier Technology Innovation Conference-Training courses

We are pleased to announce that, as in previous years, we will be offering a series of high-quality free training courses leading up to the Anhui WFC Long Energy·2023 Geothermal Energy Industry Frontier Technology Innovation Conference. These training sessions will cover various aspects, including Geothermal Calculator and OpenGeoSys Training, Python and DARTS Geothermal Numerical Simulation Training, Methods for Determining Reservoir Temperatures in Geothermal Fields Training, Deep Well Heat Transfer Testing and Data Analysis Training, Geothermal Geophysical Exploration Method Technical Training, and High-Efficiency Energy Station System Design Technology Training. Our aim is to enhance your expertise and skills in the field of geothermal energy.

In particular, if you meet the criteria for our Early Bird Program registration, you will have the opportunity to reserve a full set of exclusive free seats, allowing for a more personalized learning experience. The entire training period will last 2-3 months, continuing until the end of the conference, providing you with ample time and space for in-depth learning and practice.

This is an opportunity not to be missed. Not only will you receive professional training free of charge, but you will also have the chance to connect with experts and colleagues within the industry, collectively driving the development of the geothermal energy field. We look forward to your participation as we explore the limitless potential of geothermal energy together!

Training Name
Geothermalkit and OpenGeoSys Training

Training content:

The training will discuss "Geothermalkit," a scenario-based geothermal simulation software built upon OpenGeoSys computational core. Topics include its background, development, and usage, benefiting geothermal engineers. Additionally, they will cover Geothermal Calculator - OpenGeoSys, an open-source multi-field simulation platform by Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, explaining medium-depth buried heat exchanger simulation principles and offering hands-on training, serving users' in-depth geothermal system simulation needs.

Training time:October

Training costs:3800RMB/person

Training Name
Python and DARTS Training

Training covers Python essentials for researchers and technicians. Topics include Python's use in geothermal and oil field machine learning, historical data fitting, and optimization. Demonstrations for software development and user-friendly DARTS simulator case studies will be provided.

Training time:October

Training costs:3800RMB/person

Training Name
Methods of Determining Reservoir Temperatures in Geothermal Fields

Training content:

Prof. Pang Zhonghe, International Geothermal Ambassador, Director of Geothermal Resources Research Center Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Director of the Geothermal Committee of the Chinese Geophysical Society, will personally teach the method for determining reservoir temperatures in geothermal fields.

Training time:November

Training costs:RMB 1800/person

Training Name
Advanced training in geothermal engineering "underground to above ground"

Training content:

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of global geothermal heating and power generation, sharing technological advancements, case studies, and global experiences. It includes virtual visits to renowned geothermal facilities. Topics encompass deep geothermal district heating, retrofitting artificial geothermal systems, reservoir fracturing, integrated planning, geothermal tracers, and more. Geothermal professionals should seize this opportunity for rich insights and valuable materials.

Training time:November

Training costs:1200 RMB/person

Training Name
Deep Well Heat Exchange and Data Analysis Training

Training content:

This course combines theory with practical engineering data to explain the structure and principles of deep well coaxial heat transfer systems. It covers heat transfer data acquisition equipment and post-processing analysis using the OpenGeoSys simulator. By simulating various field conditions, it enables participants to predict long-term wellbore heat transfer performance, operational costs, and payback periods. This comprehensive training provides a complete understanding of deep well heat transfer and data analysis.

Training time:October

Training costs:3800RMB/person

Training Name
Technical training in geothermal energy geophysical survey methods

Training content:

This geothermal energy geophysical survey training provides essential theory and practical skills for geologists, engineers, and related specialists. It covers four main modules: fundamentals and classification of geothermal energy, key survey methods including geomagnetic, gravity, georesistivity, and seismic techniques, data preprocessing and interpretation, and practical applications with course summaries. Through theoretical lectures and case studies, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of geothermal energy surveys.

Training time:October

Training costs:2800RMB/person

Training Name
Technical training on the design of geothermal high-efficiency energy station systems

Training content:

The Geothermal Efficient Energy Station System Design Training is tailored for engineers, energy experts, and related professionals. It covers four main areas: fundamental importance of geothermal energy and high-efficiency stations, key design principles, energy efficiency optimization, data analysis, and project management with practical examples. Through theoretical lectures and case studies, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of designing geothermal high-efficiency energy plant systems. This focused training aims to enhance participants' competence in designing such systems for more effective project participation and management.

Training time:October

Training costs:3800 RMB/person