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caption | Snow dancing and flying, see how to "break the ice" by CMC Zhuzhou Institute?

source (of information etc) | China National Railway Corporation (CNR)

compiler | Geothermal small core (add micro-signal: geothermalAI, can get relevant information)

This is the Geothermal Energy Online AIgeothermal coreEditor's first1article

On January 21, 2024, a blizzard swept through Hunan Province, with severalmountain wind powerThe new energy power equipment of the field is affected by snowstorms and freezing, which not only reduces the power generation capacity of the unit and causes economic losses but also affects the daily life of the residents and the safety of the enterprises' production.China National Railway Corporation (CNR)A total of 23 wind turbines from wind farms in Hunan province, such as Longfeng in Zhuzhou County and Zijingshan in Xupu County, have performed well during the current round of snowfall and freezing, delivering green electricity stably and efficiently and guarding the warmth of ten thousand families. The outstanding performance of the wind turbines comes from CRRC Zhuzhou's deep understanding of the freezing working conditions and its rich experience in coping ability.

In response to the loss of power generation caused by the freezing weather in the south, CRRC has always taken "creating value for customers" as its tenet, adhered to the innovation-driven, science and technology-led, carried out in-depth research on blade de-icing technology, optimized and upgraded wind turbines, and ensured that the turbines have a superb ability to adapt to the environment, so that they can provide a stable supply of electricity for the society.

In 2022, under the joint support of Hunan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, State Grid Hunan Company and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Center, CRRC, together with the owners of CLP New Energy Huazhong Branch, GD Power Hunan Branch and Huaneng Hunan Branch, gave full play to their own technological advantages, and comprehensively carried out the research of wind turbine anti-icing technology based on the conclusions of the research on the mechanism of ice-covering, characteristics, and static and dynamic simulation tests. A variety of models were selected from wind farms in Hunan to carry out experimental research, optimize the heating start-stop control logic combined with big data analysis, and explore the effect of different heating technologies and applicable environmental conditions, so as to provide a basis for the selection and optimization of the blade anti-icing program, and to jointly safeguard the grid and energy security in the extreme weather in winter.

Hunan Chenzhou Shigaitang, Xupu Zijingshan and Zhuzhou Longfeng wind farms are expected to save about 4.1 million yuan worth of power generation revenue every year after the technical reform. In the transformation pilot work, CRRC Zhuzhou technical reform team carried forward the spirit of enterprise culture of "truthfulness, respect, innovation and achievement", and successfully completed the installation and commissioning of 23 units in 45 days, which created a number of records such as the shortest construction cycle of a single unit and the shortest commissioning time of a single unit, accumulating valuable practical experience for the wind power industry in the anti-freezing technical solutions. Valuable practical experience for the wind power industry anti-freezing technical solutions. "The number of single remodeling! Shortest construction period! The best operation effect!" The owner highly praised the project.

As part of the wind power product solutions for severe cold climate, CRRC Zhuzhou Institute has advanced and mature blade electric heating de-icing technology program, aerothermal de-icing technology program and blade coating de-icing technology program. Among them, the blade electric heating de-icing technology program is installed on the blade surface with electric heating elements, and the wind turbine controls the electric heating elements to energize, so as to realize the heating and de-icing on the blade surface, thus achieving the de-icing effect of the blade.

Principle of electric heating technology

The aerothermal de-icing technology program uses the isolation chamber formed by the blade webs to construct air circulation channels within the blades to raise the internal temperature of the blades and then heat the blades.

Principle of the aerothermal de-icing system

Blade coating de-icing technology program through a specific coating material, play its role to achieve effective reduction of freezing rain adhesion, thereby reducing the degree of icing, delaying blade icing, melting ice in advance, with a certain anti-icing effect.

Aerothermal de-icing technology and electro-thermal blade de-icing technology mainly melt the overlying ice on the blade surface by heating, which can greatly reduce the friction and adhesion on the surface of the ice layer, so that the ice can be dislodged more easily, but not to make the overlying ice on the surface of the blade melt all the way.

Over the past 18 years of ploughing into the wind power industry, Relying on the strong high-end equipment manufacturing system and the advantages of the whole industry chain and technology chain of wind power, CRRC has empowered the efficient development and utilization of resources with scientific and technological innovations, continued to improve the utilization rate and reliability of the wind turbines, and committed itself to maximizing the revenue of the wind farms in their whole lifecycle, continuing to create value for its customers, and continuously contributing CRRC's strength to the country's realization of the "Double Carbon" goal. and contributing to the national goal of "Double Carbon".