意大利的Enel Green Power计划在先进地热能领域投资30亿欧元,但仍在等待对即将到期的特许权延期的最终决定。
撰文 | Carlo Cariaga
编辑 | 地热小芯
EnelGreen Power(Enel)宣布将在意大利地热能源领域投资30亿欧元,其中包括到2030年建设两个新电厂,总装机容量为200兆瓦。然而,这项投资取决于该公司在托斯卡纳地区现有的地热特许权在已经授予的1年期限之后是否继续存在。
EnelGreen Power(Enel) has announced an investment plant of EUR 3 billion for the geothermal sector in Italy, including the construction of two new plants by 2030 with a total installed capacity of 200 MW. However, this investment is contingent on the existing of the company’s existing geothermal concessions in Tuscany beyond the 1-year period that had already been granted.
Eightgeothermal concessions in Tuscany that are held by Enel were originally due to expire by 2024. The fate of these expiring concessions wasalready being deliberated back in 2022,but theeventual outcome was met with widespread criticism– the deadline was extended by a mere one year to 31 December 2025.
Theextension was described as being “the time strictly necessary to complete the reorganization of the sector legislation.” Thus, it is not a final indication of whether the concessions will be extended for the current owners, or if they will be offered in an open tender.
Theone-year extension is not in line with Enel’s investment plan of putting up two new geothermal plants between 2024 and 2030 and upgrading and modernizing its existing plants. For this plan to materialize, the concessions have to be extended by at least 15 years.
Theregion of Tuscany currently gets about one-third of its electricity needs from the geothermal power plants. In addition, geothermal heating is supplied to greenhouses and companies. The geothermal features of Tuscany have also proven to be effective attraction sites for tourists.
Source:MorningStarand T24